From the course: After Effects: Compositing Animation from Animate CC

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Motion and depth blur

Motion and depth blur

- [Instructor] Another thing that will really give scenes a little more vitality, and realism is a slight illusion of blur, as objects are really far in the distance, or depth of field. So let's take a look at a really quick and dirty way to do that. One of my favorite tools in the program, is camera lens blur and you can find this under the blur and sharpen in here, but you can also type in camera. Lens blur, and there it is. So let's start by being polite, and making sure that we don't apply this to the wrong layer, so first of all, we're going to be applying it to the background layer, so I'm pad locking everything except the background, and we can just drop it in there. Now the background layer in this case, is the sky, the city line here, so that's it by itself, so let's take a look at what we've got, we have the camera lens blur, in the effects panel of the background level. So untwirl this, and it's really simple, the blur radius right now, I think it's default at five, which…
