From the course: After Effects: Compositing Animation from Animate CC

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Duplicating compositions and controlling layers

Duplicating compositions and controlling layers

- So let's color code some of these layers so that they're easier to see. So click on the box next to the saucer layer and we'll make the flying saucer layer orange and we'll make the robots red. Now it's much easier for us to see what we're selecting. See how easy it is to nudge these out of position as I'm clicking on them, so always watch out for that. So I'm gonna duplicate the flying saucer layer by hitting control and D and I'm going to work on the layer in the background now, let's padlock the upper one so I don't change it by mistake, and I'm gonna hit U on the keyboard. Fantastic shortcut because U shows you everything that's been keyframed on that layer. And what I want to do is to move this entire layer down and over so it can act as a second flying saucer. So to do that, one way to do it is to select all the keyframes, hold down shift, and nudge the arrow keys until you get into a different position. And you can always change different elements too but for now let's see…
