From the course: After Effects: Compositing Animation from Animate CC
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Animating cameras
From the course: After Effects: Compositing Animation from Animate CC
Animating cameras
- [Instructor] Up until now we've been using the built-in cameras and custom views in the program, but now we're going to add our own camera, and this will allow us to do much more. So let's just go to the top. Actually y'know, bit of housecleaning too, let's just start hiding some of the Shy layers, so we'll click on here, and I think we can maybe shy out the robots. And that'll be okay for now, and now I'm gonna put in the camera, put Layer, New, Camera. And 35 millimeter I think is probably a slightly wider angle, you will get more in your shot. 50 millimeter probably better for like, narrow angle, like interiors, that kind of thing. I'm going to enable depth of field. We won't worry about any of these settings just for now. And if you know anything about cameras, then obviously this will help you, this will be much more than the person who doesn't, but for now, we'll just activate the camera. So we have our camera now, if I click on the layer, you can see the camera here, but you…
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