From the course: After Effects CC 2022 Essential Training

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Using the type tool

Using the type tool

- [Instructor] Now that we've seen how to activate fonts from Adobe Creative Cloud, let's get a sense of how to set type in After Effects using the Character Panel and the Type Tool. Let's switch over to the O2 composition, and I've got the beginnings of a layout here. I want to add in another line of type. Now to create type in After Effects, we need to first switch over to our Type tool, which is found here. We have the option to select a Horizontal Type Tool or a Vertical Type Tool. I'll select Vertical. And over here on the right-hand side, you can see our Character Panel has just opened up. And this is the spot where we can change up all the attributes related to our typeface. You can select the typeface itself by coming over to this drop down, and if we scroll through, this will show you all of the available fonts installed on your system. We also have the ability to show only the fonts that come from Adobe…
