From the course: After Effects CC 2022 Essential Training

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Using the Roto Brush tool

Using the Roto Brush tool

- [Instructor] Previously we saw how hard it was to manually animate a mask to separate the foreground and background of live action footage. The process of rotoscoping is made faster and far more simple by using the roto brush tool to help automate the process. In this 02 overlook composition, I've got background footage and some text on top of it. One thing we can do to help rate this text into the shot is to take a copy of this footage, duplicate it and place it on top of the text layer. Now what we can do is isolate this foreground from the background and have it sit in the shot a bit better. So to do that, we can use the roto brush tool. So first things first. When using the roto brush tool it's important to note that you'll need to do the work in the layer window instead of the comp window. If you double click the layer in the timeline it will open up in the layer window. This window allows us to see the entire…
