From the course: After Effects CC 2022 Essential Training

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Using text animators

Using text animators

- [Instructor] Dynamic animated text is one of After Effects' most unrivaled features. With text animators, words, lines, and even individual characters of text can easily move and dance across the screen. And best of all, it doesn't take a million key frames to pull off, let me show you what I mean. I'll select my second layer and twirl this down and here you can see that we have the text itself, the source text, but over here to the right, we have this animate feature and these are all the text animators that are available to us. This pop out window shows various properties that we can elect to add on to each individual layer to animate. So, for starters, let's try the position. You'll note that we have a brand new animator one property group that contains the position property we just added. So let's take this and move this off to the side, we'll take this on the x-axis and nudge it over this way a bit, let me…
