From the course: After Effects CC 2022 Essential Training

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Using Cineware

Using Cineware

- [Instructor] After Effects comes bundled with a Lite version of the 3D application Cinema 4D and through an effect called Cineware, After Effects and Cinema 4D Lite are able to integrate in such a way that we can view and interact with Cinema 4D scenes directly inside of After Effects. Here we'll see how this integration allows us to work with different render passes as well as extract 3D camera and null data. Let's switch over to this end composition and here is Cinema 4D Lite in action as integrated in with After Effects. Here we have Cinema 4D scene files rendered along with the other After Effects layers in our timeline. We've also extracted the movement of the cube and sphere from Cinema 4D and applied them to the text layers. Both the rendering of the 3D image and import of animation keyframes from Cinema 4D are all made possible in After Effects through Cineware. Let's see how we can use Cineware to recreate this.…
