From the course: After Effects CC 2022 Essential Training

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Transformation levels

Transformation levels

- [Instructor] There is one additional big picture concept unique to shape layers that you should be aware of, and that is how it deals with transformations. Each layer has a set of transformation properties, meaning anchor point, position, scale, rotation and opacity. However, shape layers have the added complexity of having their own additional transform controls. Here, let's see how multiple transformations at the layer group and shape levels can affect the end results of our animation. Let's step into the second composition and here, you can see that we have a hierarchy of sorts. We've got the top most layer level, underneath that we've got the group level and within that we have the shape level. So that's to say that if we have animation playing at the shape and group level, all of that goes along for the ride when we add animation to our layer level. To see that in action, let's step into this third comp and I've got an…
