From the course: After Effects CC 2022 Essential Training

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Repeating elements

Repeating elements

- [Instructor] Repeating elements is a design principle found in motion graphics that we can use inside of After Effects, thanks to something called the repeater. We'll take a look at how it works here. Let's switch over to this 02_pattern_end, and this is what we'll be making. We have a tile pattern here that is consisting of one layer made up of all shape layers using a repeater. So let's see how to start this. I'll switch over to Composition 3. And for starters, let's come over here to our shape layers, and I'll select polygon tool. I'll disable my fill and enable a stroke with about five pixels. Now, when I click in the middle, I can create a diamond. And no worries if your shape doesn't look like this. We can change this after the fact. Let's just lay down a base form. under our Polystar properties, Polystar path, make sure that we have four points. And for the outer radius, let's shrink this down to 100. And last…
