From the course: After Effects CC 2022 Essential Training

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Rendering with Media Encoder

Rendering with Media Encoder

- [Instructor] After Effects has a companion application called Media Encoder that allows us to hand off compositions for rendering tasks. While it works in the background, you can continue to work inside of After Effects. Let's see how we can send compositions to Media Encoder. If I have my active comp selected, I can come over here to composition and select add to Adobe Media Encoder queue. Another way that we can send compositions to Media Encoder is by sending it to the render queue first. You can come over here to Window, Render Queue. And now I can simply add any compositions into here to send to Media Encoder. So for instance, I'm going to grab compositions two and three and add them here to the render queue. And now, instead of hitting the render button to have After Effects do the work, I can hit this other button called Queue in AME. After Effects will then pass off these comps for rendering inside of Media Encoder.…
