From the course: After Effects CC 2022 Essential Training

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Precomposing and nesting

Precomposing and nesting

- [Instructor] When building our animations, it can make sense to group certain layers together for organizational purposes. Other times we want to create multiple instances of a group of layers. Now to do both we can use one composition and nest it inside another. The nested composition is commonly referred to as a precomposition or precomp for short, and here we'll see how they work. Let's step into this cloud composition. Here I've got a few circles that are creating the base of a cloud, and I thought of it's kind of a cool motion, but they're all the same color, so what I'll do is come up here to my shape layer tool and select the rectangle tool with a linear gradient enabled, and with nothing selected in my timeline, I'll just double click on that rectangle tool, and it will fill the entire window with this one shape. And now I'll just move around these start and end points to kind of create a…
