From the course: After Effects CC 2022 Essential Training

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Point tracking

Point tracking

- The easiest way to get one layer to follow a subject in live action footage is to use point tracking. After Effects will look at an area we define and track its motion. But in order for this to work our point needs to be in the frame for the duration of the shot and not be obscured by foreground objects. Let's see this in action. Let's step into this point track end composition, and let's hover over the composition window and hit the grave accent key. That's the key next to the number one on the keyboard, and that will take us full screen. And let's preview this. And here I was able to take the point tracker to follow the vehicle as it cruises along, and attach a arrow and some text to it. So let's see how we can use the point tracker to do this. I'll hit the grave accent key again to get out of full screen. And let's switch over to this point track start composition. Now in order to use a tracker, we need to…
