From the course: After Effects CC 2022 Essential Training

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- After Effects gives us the ability to connect one or more layers to another layer and form a parent, child hierarchy. As the parent moves with position, scale and rotation, so do the child layers. Let's see how this expands our abilities for animation. In this 02 foliage comp, we have the animation that we had built previously with these leaves growing out, but I've added the extra animation here for the stem. If I solo this, you can see that I've animated a mask to kind of infer that the stem is growing. If we turn this off and just look at the leaves, you'll notice that the leaves themselves are just animating in place. They're scaling in rotation, but there's no position movement. So wouldn't it be cool if we could animate this somehow with the stem? With parenting, we can do that. I'll turn on my stem layer and make sure that we're here at the end of the full growth. If you don't already have this parent and…
