From the course: After Effects CC 2022 Essential Training

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Introducing the Puppet tool

Introducing the Puppet tool

- [Instructor] After Effects has a unique tool that allows for deforming a layer in localized sections. With the puppet tool, we can add pins to areas of our layer that we want to move, rotate, scale, or stay put. It has many uses and is widely used for character animation. We'll see a small portion of that here. I'll come over to my second composition. And here we have of a little bit of animation with this thumb scrolling through the phone. And all we're doing is animating a few puppet pins on the thumb layer. So let's see how to make that happen. In my 03 composition, I have the same artwork, and this time what I'll do is hit the shy layers to focus in on just the thumb and the phone layers. In fact, let's solo the thumb, and I'll zoom in. Now because the puppet tool is in effect, you might think that you can add it through the Effect menu or the Effects in Presets panel. However, because it works a little differently,…
