From the course: After Effects CC 2022 Essential Training

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Content-Aware Fill

Content-Aware Fill

- [Instructor] Content aware fill is a feature that can automatically remove unwanted objects from video. You might use it to remove the shadow of a drone from your shot or erase people that entered into a frame accidentally. Acceptable results will depend on a number of factors, of course, but the idea is still the same. Mask out the unwanted object and After Effects will generate new imagery from other frames to replace the holes. Let's take a look at this 02 composition where I've got some drone footage flying over this camp. And we have this Jeep that enters into the shot that I'd like to remove. To use content aware fill, we need to mask around the area that we want to remove. So we can do that either by using the rotor brush tool, we can use Mocha AE to generate masks, or we can just select our layer and come up to our shape tools. And I'll use the ellipse tool here to draw a mask around this vehicle. I'm going to…
