From the course: After Effects CC 2022 Essential Training

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Collapse transformations

Collapse transformations

- [Instructor] When working with vector layers and compositions in After Effects, there's a button that can help retain the high quality of your image through your animation. I call it the star button and what this button actually does is a bit nerdy under the hood. So let's take a look at a few examples to understand and see collapsed transformations and continuously rasterizing in action. Let's step into the second composition. Here I've got an Illustrator file that is brought in as a layer, and let's scale this down to 50%. Under the hood, After Effects is always dealing in bitmap imagery. The outputting results is bitmap, the compositions are bitmap and so what it's doing here is taking the vector images, turning it into pixels, and then scaling it down to 50%. Let's take this composition and nest it into another. Here I've got the pre-comp and what I'll do is scale this up to 200%. In effect undoing the…
