From the course: After Effects CC 2022 Essential Training

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Cameras and lights

Cameras and lights

- [Instructor] In addition to working in a 3D workspace, another strong compositing feature in after effects is the ability to add cameras and lights into our scenes. Both offer real world properties, like depth of field and shadow casting that can be used to creatively frame and light your scene. We'll switch over to this 02 field composition. Now, to create a light for our scene, all we have to do is right click in this empty space and say new light. Or we can come up here to the top layer menu and say new light as well. After effects gives us this box where we can define some of the properties for our light. The first one is light type. We can select parallel, which is pretty similar to a sunlight with infinite distance. We can select spotlight, which gives us a cone shape. Point light, emanates light in all directions, and ambient light gives us even lighting throughout our entire composition. I'm going to select…
