From the course: After Effects CC 2022 Essential Training

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Camera tracking

Camera tracking

- [Instructor] To create the illusion that computer generated elements were seemingly shot in camera with live action footage, we need to use 3D camera tracking. This recreates a camera's real world movement inside the computer, with an end result of creating a believable visual effect. In this composition, I've got some pretty shaky handheld footage and I've incorporated a social media post in here to make it look like we're flying through this or that the camera's moving through the post. So let's see how we can use camera tracking to achieve this. Here in the start composition, let's select our footage and we can right click and come over here and say track and stabilize, track camera. You can also come over here to the tracker panel and say track camera here as well. Let's come over here down to the effect and we can actually pull this up by double clicking on this effect. And here in our effect controls you can…
