From the course: After Effects CC 2022 Essential Training

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Blending modes

Blending modes

- [Instructor] After Effects can take the brightness and color of one layer's pixels, and mathematically blend them with the layers below it. These are called blending modes. These modes can often increase or decrease brightness or alter the contrast to the overall image. Blending modes here in After Effects operate in the same manner as the ones in Photoshop if you're familiar with those. In this movie, we'll take a look at a few of these in action. Let's switch over to comp one. Here I've got some footage of beautiful Sedona, Arizona. And this layer above it is just a bit of text that says Sedona kind of in white. Now, if you don't already have this column enabled, come down here to this icon, and this will enable the transfer controls pane. You can also open it by right-clicking on the top of any column, and selecting column then modes. All of our blending modes are found here. Inside this popup,…
