From the course: After Effects CC 2022 Essential Training

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Anchor point fundamentals

Anchor point fundamentals

- [Instructor] Each layer in After Effects has what's called the anchor point. It's a spot on the layer that tells After Effects from what point it can scale and rotate, as well as where in the comp the layer is positioned. In this 02 comp I've got several layers here that make up this foliage, and if we select all the leaves, you'll notice that here in the middle, we've got all the anchor points. And that really isn't where the point of articulation is. They should be centered along the main stem or trunk of the plant. So let's zoom out. And to demonstrate, I'll hit S on the keyboard, and you can see that if I scale all these things down, this isn't really growing right from the proper spot on the leaf. And likewise with rotation, each of these leaves are rotating around its center, rather than from the base of the leaf. Let's undo all that, and let's switch to comp 03. And here I've adjusted all the anchor…
