From the course: After Effects 2021 Essential Training: The Basics

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Add effects to a layer

Add effects to a layer

- Effects are after all right there in the name After Effects, so what about them? This application contains literally hundreds of effects and presets that can be applied to layers. When you add third-party effects there are many thousands available. These can transform your footage in subtle or profound ways or be used to create an image starting with nothing, with just a blank solid layer. Let's take a look at how to get started with effects, how to have fun exploring, and even how to think about what they even do. I'm going to start with one of the most commonly used effects in After Effects. I start by selecting the layer and I'll apply it by choosing the effect under the effect menu. So I'm going to go to color correction and use something that's very commonly used also in Photoshop, which is curves. Now curves lets me adjust color and I can also key frame it. So let me just set a key frame here and go to the end. And…
