From the course: Advertising on Facebook

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Understand your success metrics with Facebook ads

Understand your success metrics with Facebook ads - Facebook Tutorial

From the course: Advertising on Facebook

Understand your success metrics with Facebook ads

- [Instructor] With so many Facebook campaign goals and objectives. It's really important to understand your success metrics. When we look at our report and our numbers, we're often doing so with a mindset of how we can better our ad performance. Right now, I'm in my personal ads manager under one of the advertising accounts I own. I'm going to show you how I look at these success metrics and set up my reporting to help me see how everything is performing. The first thing to note is that I filtered out all campaigns except for my prospecting ones. And you'll notice at the top where it has that magnifying glass. This is where you can search for specific campaigns and filter them. So I chose to show all the prospecting campaigns. To the right of that, we have the date range. So this is running from December 1st, 2020, to August 1st, 2021. Right now we are in the campaigns tab. And you'll notice that because it's…
