From the course: Advertising on Facebook

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Refine your audience with interest targeting in Facebook

Refine your audience with interest targeting in Facebook - Facebook Tutorial

From the course: Advertising on Facebook

Refine your audience with interest targeting in Facebook

- [Instructor] Interest targeting is one of the most powerful ways that you can target your audience in Facebook. It's also something you spend most of your time testing. Interest targeting is really where Facebook stands out. Facebook collects data on its users based on information they've added to their timeline, topics related to the pages they like, keywords in their status updates, apps they use, and any ads they've previously clicked on. Facebook then assigns these users to groups of high-level interests. And they'll use those interests to target people most likely to click your ads. You want to spend about 60% of your time and budget in this prospecting phase, in this testing phase. You won't need to test out your keywords or your interests as your audience goes through the funnel. Remember prospecting is for people who have never heard about your brand. They've never interacted with your page, they've never…
