From the course: Advertising on Facebook

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Improve the performance of your Facebook ads

Improve the performance of your Facebook ads - Facebook Tutorial

From the course: Advertising on Facebook

Improve the performance of your Facebook ads

- [Narrator] You've created your Facebook ad campaign and launched it into the world. But now what? Let's go over some ways you can improve the performance of your ads and things to be on the lookout for. There are some common problems that everyone encounters at some point when advertising on Facebook. Let's go over these and some remedies for them. First is no one is seeing your ads. They're not being served to your audience, and you're just not getting the impressions that you're looking for. Your ads are too expensive. You are getting the impressions and the audience, but you're just paying too much. Your ad quality score is really low. So Facebook has determined that your ad, in some capacity, isn't relevant to your audience and it is scoring it very low. That affects your deliverability. And maybe plenty of people are seeing your ads, but no one is converting. That means you have a lot of impressions, but…
