From the course: Advertising on Facebook

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How to use Facebook Ads Manager

How to use Facebook Ads Manager - Facebook Tutorial

From the course: Advertising on Facebook

How to use Facebook Ads Manager

- Facebook Ads Manager is your starting point for running ads on Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, and the Audience Network. It's an all-in-one tool for creating ads, managing when and where they'll run, and tracking how well your campaigns are performing. Ads Manager's a Facebook tool that lets you create and manage all your Facebook ads, and you can view, make changes, and see the results of your Facebook campaigns, ad sets and ads. It's here, in Ad Manager, that you are going to create ad campaigns, manage multiple ads at once, and see how your ads are performing. To get to your own Ads Manager, you're going to head to manager. Let's take a look at the dashboard. Here we are in the Account Overview for fictitious profile, Brett. It's in this dashboard that we can see everything that's happening in his advertising account. So if he was running ads, you would see the results. You would also see the…
