From the course: Advertising on Facebook

How to set up a Facebook advertising account - Facebook Tutorial

From the course: Advertising on Facebook

How to set up a Facebook advertising account

- [Instructor] Creating an advertising account in Facebook is where you make payments, manage payment methods and edit your business information, all for the Facebook ads that you run. Facebook creates advertising accounts for personal profiles but you will need to create one for your business if you'd like to have an advertising account associated with it. Right now, I'm in business settings and this is where you're going to create your ad account. But I want to show you really quickly how you can distinguish between your different ad accounts. Here I am in Ads Manager and this should look somewhat familiar for you. Now the top right side of my screen, if I choose a drop-down, it's here that if you have multiple advertising accounts, they're going to show up. Right now, I can tell that I'm in Brett's ad account. Now you can manage multiple campaigns from different Facebook pages under one advertising account. So if you're an agency or planning to run multiple campaigns for different pages, it's recommended to create specific advertising accounts for that. All in all, it's a good idea to advertise under a business account and not under an advertising account associated with your personal profile. Let's go over how to get a brand new one set up. I'm going to head over to Business Settings and that was the first screen that we saw. I'm going to do that by choosing the three lines and selecting Business Settings. Business Settings is an important component to advertising and this is where you're going to manage all your assets, your users and your different accounts. I'm going to go ahead and select Add Accounts. Here We can see that Two Trees Olive Oil. So that is the page that Brett manages and is the admin for. You can only create an advertising account for a page you're an admin of. This is the page that he wants to create an advertising account under. So I'm going to go ahead and select Add. It's here that we can add an existing ad account. We can ask for access to an ad account that we want to become associated with and we can create a brand new one. I'm going to select the third option. It's here that I create a new ad account. Adding an ad account name is going to be not tricky but very important. So make sure that it's clear. So I'm going to go ahead and put in Two Trees Olive Oil, change the time zone and the currency if you see fit and selecting Next. Facebook just wants to know who this ad account's going to be used for, my business and I'm going to choose Create. Now the next step is to add people and set permissions. So if you have any employees, maybe you hired an ad agency and you want to grant them access, this is where all of that is going to happen. So you can choose whether they manage campaigns, view performance, et cetera. So you can go ahead and basically you slide them over and you can choose a sign. I'm just going to simply cancel out of this. Now it's your turn. If you haven't yet set an advertising account up, go ahead and walk through the steps to get started.
