From the course: Advertising on Facebook

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How to manage existing Facebook ads and campaigns

How to manage existing Facebook ads and campaigns - Facebook Tutorial

From the course: Advertising on Facebook

How to manage existing Facebook ads and campaigns

- [Instructor] Your Facebook ads dashboard is your go-to location for keeping tabs on all your advertisements. It shows all your campaigns, ad sets and ads that you have created and are running. And it's where you can make some changes, edits, and even create brand new campaigns. One thing to note is that Facebook rolls out different versions and features to people at varying times. So you might be seeing a dashboard that looks a little bit different, do not worry, the information is still the same. Let's get started at the top. The first thing to pay attention to, especially if you have multiple advertising accounts is making sure that you're actually in the right advertising account. I make this mistake all the time. And if you select that dropdown arrow, this is where you can see which ad account you're in, and you can also choose and proxy between different ad accounts if you have them. The next thing to note is a…
