From the course: Advertising on Facebook

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How to choose an effective image for your Facebook ad

How to choose an effective image for your Facebook ad - Facebook Tutorial

From the course: Advertising on Facebook

How to choose an effective image for your Facebook ad

- [Instructor] Great ad copy can easily be lost in the Facebook newsfeed without a captivating image or video. So to make the most of your advertising, you want to choose an image that catches the attention of your audience. The first thing to know is to understand sizing. You're going to want to choose an aspect ratio that best fits the placements you're using in your advertising. And a great tip is to use for various templates. They absolutely understand Facebook ads and they have a bunch of templates you can use for all the different placements available when advertising on Facebook. You can also download sizing templates at the URL you see on your screen. Here you can see a quick overview of what I'm talking about. You can see the different aspect ratios that are available on Facebook and below that are the recommended placements. For example, we can see that the one-to-one ratio is most recommended for…
