From the course: Advertising on Facebook

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How to choose a Facebook ad campaign objective

How to choose a Facebook ad campaign objective - Facebook Tutorial

From the course: Advertising on Facebook

How to choose a Facebook ad campaign objective

- [Instructor] We're almost ready to start creating our ad. But first, let's go over the tool you'll be using. The Ads Create tool is where you create all your ad campaigns, and you're going to find that within Ads Manager and when you select the Create button. One thing to note is that Ads Manager is a great page to bookmark. You'll be using it every time you create a new ad. It's on this page that you'll see all the different types of ads and campaigns that have been already created. Now, we have the Ads Create tool here. This is your, in a sense, guided tour. Facebook's going to guide you through the necessary steps to create your Facebook ad, and it'll ask you specific questions to get the heart of what you really want to create. Now, our first step is to choose a campaign objective. Remember, your objective is the overall goal for running your ad campaign. If you're really looking for more clarification, you can…
