From the course: Advertising on Facebook

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Exploring the Facebook advertising structure

Exploring the Facebook advertising structure - Facebook Tutorial

From the course: Advertising on Facebook

Exploring the Facebook advertising structure

- [Instructor] When you're advertising on Facebook, it's important to understand how Facebook will organize your ad campaigns. Facebook organizes advertisements into three levels, the campaign level, the ad set level, and finally, the ads themselves. This structure, it makes it easier for you to organize, optimize, and measure the performance of your ads. At the very top, we have the campaign. This is where you're going to choose your objective. It could be for awareness, consideration, or conversion. In this example, Two Trees Olive Oil, the fictitious brand we're going to talk about is using the conversion objective. They're looking to sell their infused olive oils directly from their website. Next, now that they've established the campaign, is they're going to choose their audience targeting. They can target based on keywords or on demographics. Now, in this example, they have two separate audiences that they want to…
