From the course: Advertising on Facebook

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Choose your Facebook ad creative

Choose your Facebook ad creative - Facebook Tutorial

From the course: Advertising on Facebook

Choose your Facebook ad creative

- [Instructor] It's now time for the ad building portion of your ad creation process. As we move through the steps of the ads create tool, we move from the campaign objective through the ad set to the ad itself. Right now, I'm in the ad that I created for Two Trees Olive Oil. And you can see at the top, the ad name is Image. That's what I'm using. I'm selling infused oils. And then I have the date of launch. This is a naming convention I like. Feel free to use any. It's nice just to know what type of ad creative you have and maybe the theme of it. So when you're looking at your reporting, you can quickly pull out what image is what. Underneath we have the Identity, and this is really important. So this is linked to the Facebook page, Two Trees Olive Oil. And then if you have an Instagram account, you'd link it below as well. Underneath is the Ad Setup. So if I choose the down arrow, you have the option to…
