From the course: Advertising on Facebook

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Choose a budget for your Facebook ads

Choose a budget for your Facebook ads - Facebook Tutorial

From the course: Advertising on Facebook

Choose a budget for your Facebook ads

- [Instructor] When setting up your Facebook ad, you're going to need to decide how much you want to spend. Currently we're at the ad set level. And you can tell that at the top where you can see that the four boxes are highlighted, that's the ad set level. It also will let you know to create an ad set name and currently we have ours named. The P is for prospecting as this is a prospecting campaign. We're going to be targeting people who have an interest in cooking, and we'll be trying to sell them the infused olive oils with the launch date of 9/15. Now you set your budget and your schedule at the ad set level. Let's get started going through the steps. Below the ad set name, we also have the conversion so we are looking to set the website as a conversion event location. If I had an app, I would choose that. If I was looking to advertise a messenger, I would choose Messenger or WhatsApp. As I scroll down, we're going…
