From the course: Advanced Terraform

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Terraform CI/CD options

Terraform CI/CD options - Terraform Tutorial

From the course: Advanced Terraform

Terraform CI/CD options

- [Instructor] Continuous integration and continuous delivery or CICD is a practice that evolved over the last decade or so. CICD is used to combine code from multiple contributors and automate the processes that prepare the code for deployment to an environment. Continuous integration is a practice where code contributions from multiple developers are continuously integrated into a shared code repository. The new additions are tested with the rest of the code base before they emerged with a release branch. GIT has emerged as the defacto industry standard for source control. Continuous delivery is the automation part of CICD. A shared compute environment is used in combination with an orchestrator to perform a set of steps. These steps typically include compilation and tests such as unit tests and functional tests. CICD orchestration platforms such as Jenkins in GitLab are used to define and run a series of these steps…
