From the course: Advanced Terraform

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Sensitive data

Sensitive data

- [Instructor] The default behavior of Terraform is to include all variable values in Terraform plan, apply, and show commands. Variables often contain sensitive data like usernames and passwords. Sensitive data should not be leaked into plans or console output. Terraform provides a feature that will mark input and output variables as sensitive. Suppose we want to use Google Cloud SQL instead of our VM-based DB instance. The native user account from MySQL and Postgres databases require a username and password. Let's look at the code for this chapter. Execute git checkout 02_04. (keyboard clicking) Now, execute gcloud space services space enable space In case you want to deploy this, we'll need this to be able to create the Cloud SQL instance. (keyboard clicking) And then finally, (keyboard clicking) we're going to rerun terraform init. This configuration has an additional resource that has a…
