From the course: Advanced Terraform

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GitOps CI/CD with Terraform Cloud

GitOps CI/CD with Terraform Cloud - Terraform Tutorial

From the course: Advanced Terraform

GitOps CI/CD with Terraform Cloud

- [Instructor] Okay, now it's getting exciting. We're ready to make a change to our configuration as we have throughout the course. This time, we're going to do it in a controlled way using the CICD pipeline we've built. You'll need the resources from the GitOps setup video to proceed with this one. If you haven't followed along with that video you'll want to do that first then come back to this one. I've added branches with the code that you'll use to go through the promotion process so you won't actually have to edit the code yourself and push changes to your fork. Let's take a quick look at those branches. 04_06_ dev is the main branch for the dev environment. 04_06_dev_redis is the branch that contains the changes we want to deploy and promote. 04_06_qa is the main branch of the QA environment. The change we're going to make is very simple. We're going to add a memory store instance to our configuration. Memory…
