From the course: Advanced Terraform

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GitOps CI/CD setup

GitOps CI/CD setup

- [Instructor] In this video, we're going to deploy the resources to model a GitHub style, CI/CD pipeline using Terraform Cloud, Google Cloud, and GitHub. Here's what we're building. In Google Cloud, we'll have two projects, one for our dev environment and one for qa. Most IT shops have four environments including staging and production. We're just going to use these two to demonstrate a change promotion going from a lower environment to a higher environment. The process to promote from qa into even higher environments is essentially the same as from dev to qa. In Terraform Cloud, we'll create two workspaces. One workspace will run plan and applies for the dev project and the other will run plan and applies for the qa project. We'll set up these resources in GCP and Terraform Cloud then use them to simulate a change starting on a dev workstation, being pushed to dev, then being promoted to qa. This is a lot of…
