From the course: Advanced Terraform

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Deploying the Terraform configuration

Deploying the Terraform configuration - Terraform Tutorial

From the course: Advanced Terraform

Deploying the Terraform configuration

- [Instructor] Okay, we're ready for our first deployment. Our first step with our configuration is to initialize it. This command prepares a configuration for all other Terraform commands. Initializing, we'll download the GCP provider which is listed in the file. Configurations can have multiple providers, by the way. The init command will download all defined providers anywhere in the main configuration, also known as the root module. We'll get more into that later. The command to initialize is terraform init. Open the integrated terminal if you don't have one open, and type the command. Note that the output says we're initialized and shows us the version of the provider. The init command has made a change to the contents of our configuration. The .terraform directory is created and contains the provider binary. The binary is the provider itself. You'll also notice that the .terraform directory is grayed out.…
