From the course: Advanced Lead Generation

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Sales enablement and coordination

Sales enablement and coordination

From the course: Advanced Lead Generation

Sales enablement and coordination

- [Instructor] Sales enablement has become a required element of successful lead generation programs. And if you generate great leads and give no direction to the sales team to guide follow-up and conversion, you're leaving ROI and quite literally leaving money on the table. Sales enablement programs aren't about giving the sales team a word-for-word template for every piece of communication. No sales professional is going to accept and use that for every prospect. Good sales enablement programs focus on two things: sales efficiency and sales effectiveness. In other words, they help the sales team spend more of their time actively selling and also help them increase the success rate of that selling time. Most often sales enablement programs include content, tools, and processes that sales and marketing agree on upfront. This includes sales centric content for the middle and bottom of the pipeline, lead follow-up…
