From the course: Advanced Google Analytics

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View settings

View settings

- [Instructor] After you've created a view, you'll want to edit its settings and you'll do this from the admin view, which to confirm, you get to by selecting the gear icon in the bottom left-hand corner. You'll confirm the account that you're in and the property, and then you'll select the view that you'd like to interact with from the dropdown menu on the right-hand side. Here we're going to be changing the organic data view settings, and then I'll select View Settings from the menu options. For starters, we have the ability to edit the view name and then confirm the website URL. And you'll want to toggle whether that's HTTP or HTTPS. You have the time zone, which was set when you created the view, and again, you can change this. However, it will not impact your data retroactively. It only affects it moving forward. Next, we have the default page. And what this does is it allows you to let Google know if your…
