From the course: Adobe Animate CC New Features
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Using the Assets panel - Adobe Animate Tutorial
From the course: Adobe Animate CC New Features
Using the Assets panel
- [Instructor] Each animate document, includes its own internal library of symbols, bitmap images, audio and more, accessible through the library panel. The new assets panel allows us to include a library of packaged assets, which exists within animate itself, not particular to individual documents. We're now able to create, export and import these assets, in the form of .ANA files. So inside of our animation here we see our project library through the library panel, where we have the different assets being used within our current document. To access the assets panel if it isn't already open, you can choose window, assets. I'm just going to drag this directly into the same panel group as my library, and we can see here that we've got a number of different assets that are ready to use, and also notes around new asset types that are coming soon to animate like characters, skeletons, and sound clips. So if I wanted to actually use one of these assets within my animation, I can go ahead…
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Animating with auto keyframes2m 1s
Using the Assets panel3m 6s
Sharing for social distribution2m 26s
Creating a hands-on tutorial7m 48s
Importing and using a hands-on tutorial2m 41s
Using additional canvas blend modes1m 51s
Selecting canvas audio stream sync1m 40s
Accessing Adobe AIR integrations3m 46s