From the course: Adobe Animate CC New Features

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Google Fonts

Google Fonts

- [Instructor] Animate CC has included the ability to use Typekit web fonts with the HTML5 Canvas Dynamic Text Fields for quite a while but we can now use Google Web Fonts as well. Let's see how to do this. I have this layer called a Scratch layer that's unlocked and if I choose my text tool, right now it's set to Static Text but what if I wanna use Dynamic Text? I have a choice. I can go ahead and click Add Web Fonts and now not only do I have the ability to add Typekit but also Google Fonts, so let's choose Google Fonts. All right, this brings up the Google Fonts dialog and we're able to sort by categories, so maybe I want to display something that's more of a display or a handwriting-type font. And we can sort by a number of different things. Styles, whether they're trending or not. Let's have a look at trending fonts and we can set the size. So, maybe I wanna see it at 36. And we can also search for specific fonts here, so this one down here, Amita, let's go ahead and type that…
