From the course: Adobe Animate CC New Features

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Fluid Brush tool and Fresco brushes

Fluid Brush tool and Fresco brushes - Adobe Animate Tutorial

From the course: Adobe Animate CC New Features

Fluid Brush tool and Fresco brushes

- [Instructor] Animate now includes a set of GPU-accelerated vector brushes through the Fluid Brush tool, which complement the existing drawing tools. Since these new brushes tap into the power of the GPU, they make for a much faster drawing experience and are compatible with Fresco, Adobe's new mobile drawing app. By default, you'll find the Fluid Brush in the Tools Panel. And referring to our Properties panel with the tool Fluid Brush selected, note that we've got a number of different options here. For instance, we can toggle Object Drawing Mode on and off. We have a number of brush modes here, and these are the same brush modes you would normally see with the regular Brush tool. We can change the brush size based on pointer velocity. So for instance, I'm actually using a Intuos pen and tablet here, so I'm going to turn that on. And I can use pressure as well. Again, this is something that you can use with a nice stylus and tablet. I'm going to change my Fill color, which is…
