From the course: Adobe Animate CC New Features

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Fill on active layer

Fill on active layer

- This new option for the Paint Bucket tool allows you to fill only on the active layer, making coloring your artwork even more intentional. To see this in action, we're going to activate the Paint Bucket tool and then have a look over in our tool Properties. We can see that the fill color is set to black and under Paint Bucket Options, Drag fill is set to All regions, right now, but you could always change it to specific regions. I'm going to keep it on All regions and there's the choice to Fill on active layer. So the active layer right now is the background. So if I choose all regions and keep this unchecked, the paint bucket is going to behave, when I drag across, exactly like it used to, Let's go ahead and undo that. Command or Control + Z and choose, Fill on active layer. So I have my background layer selected as the active layer. You can see highlighted here in blue. So now if I click and drag across her clothing, nothing actually happens. If I click and drag down below…
