From the course: Adobe Animate CC New Features

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Enhanced After Effects workflow

Enhanced After Effects workflow - Adobe Animate Tutorial

From the course: Adobe Animate CC New Features

Enhanced After Effects workflow

- [Instructor] Within Publish Settings, we now have an optimize for After Effects option, which generates a compatible SWF that will take camera effects, layer depth and layer parenting to After Effects intact. Of course, this also works when using an FLA within After Effects. All the new advanced layer features are now preserved. As you can see here, we have an FLA file where we've got a little rolling ball and a number of different camera effects, such as pans and zooms. If we go to Publish Settings, and have a look at Flash, in terms of the Publish Settings options, you'll note that we now have an Optimize for After Effects option right here. Once we hit Publish, this will optimize that SWF file for After Effects, and when we bring it in, all of our various advanced layers mode effects will be preserved within After Effects. I'm going to cancel out of this, because there's actually an easier way. Let's pop over to Adobe After Effects. All right, here we are within After Effects…
