From the course: Adobe Animate CC New Features

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Assets panel workflow improvements

Assets panel workflow improvements - Adobe Animate Tutorial

From the course: Adobe Animate CC New Features

Assets panel workflow improvements

- [Instructor] When users drag animated asset from the assets panel and onto the stage, a frame span is now created automatically speeding up the process of assembling basic animations. Let's go into the assets panel here, and we're going to look at some animated characters. So I'm going to find something. This squirrel's pretty nice. Let's go ahead and drag the squirrel onto our stage. All right. As we can see here, we now have all of the necessary frames inserted for us, and it's been given its own layer and everything. So let's go ahead and play this back. Here we go. So we can also of course, load in additional content like static backgrounds. I'm going to choose static backgrounds and find something nice. Before we do that, we're going to need to shift our play head back to the beginning if we want the background to exist across the entire span, which of course we do. Now the woods layer is above the squirrel nut layer, but that's something that we can easily drag and drop to…
