From the course: Adobe Animate CC New Features

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Advanced layers and layer depth

Advanced layers and layer depth - Adobe Animate Tutorial

From the course: Adobe Animate CC New Features

Advanced layers and layer depth

- [Instructor] The new Advanced Layers feature works in tandem with the new Layer Depth panel. This allows you to specify how near or far any specific layer is in front of or behind the virtual camera. Layer depth is completely tweenable, allowing objects to move across layers as an animation progresses. Now, I have an animation right here which is basically a series of classic tweens, and these objects just sort of move back forth right now. But, it would be great if these objects, instead of simply moving back and forth across this main object here, could actually loop around and go behind. Layer depth makes this possible, and in order to actually see this and work with it, we need to turn on Advanced Layer mode. To do that, in the timeline above all of your layers, you'll notice this little button. Right now it's set to off. Let's turn that on, and we get a little dialogue asking if we want to use Advanced Layers. As it says here, this turns your layers into symbols. Enable this to…
