From the course: Active Listening for Better Leadership Communication

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Why communicating action is critical to active listening

Why communicating action is critical to active listening

From the course: Active Listening for Better Leadership Communication

Why communicating action is critical to active listening

- Communicating that you have acted as a leader, or as I like to call it, closing a loop, is important to ensure that people feel heard, to demonstrate that you care, and ultimately, to solve problems that make your organization a better place to work. I want to tell you about my friend, Kim, who was working for a non-profit and focusing on serving an underserved population. Kim had been assigned a large caseload, and every time she looked to review what the status was on her cases, she found the process cumbersome and repetitive. Deep down, she knew how things needed to change, and on several occasions, she had requested that the organization come up with an easier process, but nothing materialized. Then through the grapevine, she discovered there was already a spreadsheet that was being distributed via email each week, one that alleviated a lot of the challenges she had been facing. Since she had begun working in this…
