From the course: Active Listening for Better Leadership Communication

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The difference between passive and active listening

The difference between passive and active listening

From the course: Active Listening for Better Leadership Communication

The difference between passive and active listening

- Are you really listening or just hearing words? After watching this video, you'll be able to easily describe the difference between active and passive listening. To start, active listening is about making a conscious effort to not just hear, but to understand someone else. Here are the three hallmarks of active listening, demonstrating concern, limiting interruptions, and asking open-ended questions. When you do all three, you commit all of your attention to the speaker and establish an environment of trust and judgment-free engagement. And if that's not enough, employees who experience being actively listened to feel a greater sense of belonging and they feel valued, appreciated, and inspired to show up for their team and organization. When it comes to productivity, active listening has been shown to drastically improve communication and reduce the type of misunderstandings that can slow progress. In contrast…
