From the course: Active Listening for Better Leadership Communication

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Shifting from passive to active listening

Shifting from passive to active listening

- You've learned the differences in passive and active listening, and now let's talk about how to make the shift. First, clearly define why you are interacting with a person. To do this, set an intention for the conversation. One that all participants are aware of. Deciding on your why for every conversation will put you in the best mindset to actively listen to what they're saying. This mindset means that you're giving them your full attention and are engaged. Second, approach every interaction with a sense of curiosity. By asking questions, you can remain engaged in the discussion. Avoid distractions, enabling you to sustain your attention on the individual in front of you for a more extended period of time. A third way to move from passive to active listening is to ask permission to take notes. This is a great way to keep your mind engaged with what you're hearing from the person in front of you. I'm a big note taker…
