From the course: Active Listening for Better Leadership Communication

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Detecting nonverbal signals while active listening

Detecting nonverbal signals while active listening

From the course: Active Listening for Better Leadership Communication

Detecting nonverbal signals while active listening

- Somewhere between 70 and 93% of communication is nonverbal. So if you don't understand nonverbal cues, you will never fully understand people. After watching this video, you'll be able to detect five common nonverbal cues and how to respond to them. Understanding these will help to strengthen relationships, resolve conflicts, and get you the outcomes you're looking for. The first cue to notice is the movement of the person or the people involved. If they seem uncomfortable or nervous, they may shift their position or move around in their seat. As a leader, the best that you can do in this case is to try to get them to relax by getting them to talk about something that's important to them, something that gets them excited, or something that makes them feel safe. For example, if you know someone who just came back from vacation, ask them to share a little bit about the trip, and stay engaged with them when they do.…
